Don't be intimidated by the multitude of ingredients I use in this healthy morning smoothie. If you pre-wash the greens in bulk, have all the seeds lined up in mason jars at the right place, you can create a liquid breakfast that contains a microcosm of nutrients in less than 5 minutes.
- 4 green veggies - kale (3 stalks), spinach (a handful), cucumber (1/3), celery (1 stalk).
- Avocado (1/3) and banana (1/2) - two essential ingredients that iron out the fibrous texture of the greens and make the smoothie "smooth".
- 4 super add-ons - chia seeds, ground flax seeds, raw pumpkin seeds, maca powder.
- Unsweetened coconut water (or water).
- Small spoonful of honey for sweetness.
If you start your day with a bright note, everything else falls into place. (Well...more or less!)